Lycanites Mobs

Update: What A Stink! - Version 1.10.1b for Minecraft 1.7.10


MediaFire Drive

IMPORTANT: Configs older than 1.10.1b will be reset to default, be sure to backup or manually increase your config's version in lycanitesmobs-general.cfg, though the default config changes are important for the new water mob spawner.

Update B:

Improvement: Kobolds now steal torches!

Bug Fix: Fixed default Mob Event Duration to 1 minute (was 6 minutes instead of the intended 2 lol, I've decided to go for just 1 minute!)

New Jungle Mob Added: Conba!

Configs older than 1.10.0b (that's B!) will be cleared, this is because of the default event duration fixes.

Initial Release A:

New Events Added: Poop Party and Bamstorm!

Improvement: I've created a custom WATER spawner that is separate from the vanilla WATERCREATURE spawning, this is because of a weird issue where water mobs just weren't spawning anymore.

Improvement: Mob Event durations are now configurable and last 2 minutes by default.

Added custom commands for controlling Mob Events, players require OP permissio
