Base Properties
There are several base properties, some are required, everything else has a default value.
string name
This is a unique name for your spawner, try to avoid spaces and other special characters, names are not case sensitive so I recommend sticking to all lower case. Required.
string sharedName
This is a non-unique name used to assign this spawner to creature/group configs. For example the 'water' and 'water chunk' spawners both have a shared name of 'water' so that any creature configs that use the water spawner use both spawners. Optional.
bool loadDefault
This is only used by the default spawners and must be false or not present in the JSON to prevent the spawner from being overwritten when the game loads. You can simply leave it out of your custom spawners. Default false.
bool enabled
Set to true to use these spawner or false to disable it, needed for disabling default spawners and handy for custom spawners that you want to disable but not delete. Default true.
int conditionsRequired
Determines how many Spawn Conditions must be met. If set to 0 or less then Spawn Conditions all are required. Default 0 (all).
int triggersRequired
Sets how many times any Spawn Trigger must activate (per player) before a wave is spawned. Please look at the Darkness Spawner to see this in action. Default 1.
array[object] triggerCountMessages
You can add a chat message for specific Trigger counts, these can be lang file entries. Please look at the Darkness Spawner to see this in action. Default empty.
int count
The trigger count for this message. Required.
string message
The chat message to send to the player, this can be typed out in full here or can be a lang file key (recommended). Required.
string multipleLocations
Determines how a Spawn Location is chosen if there are more than one defined. Can be: "order" (first location that can find a spawn point), "random" (picks a random Spawn Loction and just uses that) or "combine" (gets spawn points from all Spawn Locations). Default "combine".
int mobCountMin
The minimum amount of mobs to spawn each wave. Default 1.
int mobCountMax
The maximum amount of mobs to spawn each wave. If less than or equal to the minimum this is ignored so you don't need to set this for fixed mob counts. Default 1.
bool ignoreDimensions
If true, this Spawner will ignore all mob dimension checks (not Spawn Condition checks), this bypasses the checks in Mob Spawn entries as well as Mob Configs. Default false.
bool ignoreBiomes
If true, this Spawner will ignore all biome checks, this bypasses the checks in Mob Spawns and Mob Configs. This is recommended if your Spawner should never care about biome as it saves on checks for performance. Default false.
bool ignoreCollision
If true, this Spawner will ignore mob collision checks, this may cause mobs to become stuck and suffocate but is useful for smaller mobs, required Spawners that have a Block Break radius set (see blow) and good for noclip mobs (like the Phantom). Default false.
bool ignoreLightLevel
If true, this Spawner will ignore light level checks, this bypasses the checks in Mob Spawns and Mob Configs. This is recommended if your Spawner should never care about light levels as it saves on checks for performance. Default false.
bool ignoreGroupLimit
If true, this Spawner will ignore group limit checks, this bypasses the checks in Mob Spawns and Mob Configs. This is recommended if your Spawner should never care about group limits as it saves on checks for performance. Default false.
int groupLimitRange
The range of how far (in blocks) this Spawner should check for surrounding mobs of the same type for the group spawn limit, don't go too high with this and rapid spawners or you will get lag. Default 32.
bool ignoreForgeCanSpawnEvent
If set to true, the Forge Can Spawn Event is fired but its result is ignored, use this to prevent other mods from stopping the spawn via the event. Default false.
bool forceNoDespawn
If true, mobs spawned by this Spawner will not naturally despawn. Default false.
bool chainSpawning
If true, actions caused by the spawner will attempt trigger additional spawners. Default true.
bool enableWithoutMobs
If true, this Spawner will act as enabled even if it can't find any mobs to spawn, useful if you just want to use trigger messages, etc. Default false.
string eventName
If set, this is the name of the mob event that must be active, otherwise this Spawner is always active. Use this for mob event spawners. Default "" (empty).
int blockBreakRadius
If set, when a mob is spawned, blocks in the radius around the spawned mob will be destroyed (0 would break only the block the mob spawned at). Spawners like the Ore Spawner use this. Default -1 (no block breaking).
array[Spawn Condition] conditions
A list of Spawn Conditions that this Spawner will check. Default empty (Spawner will always work).
array[Spawn Triggers] triggers
A list of Spawn Triggers that will attempt to start this Spawner. Default empty (Spawner will never start, so should have at least 1 Trigger to function).
array[Spawn Location] locations
A list of Spawn Location that this Spawner will use to get spawn positions from. Default empty (Spawner will never be able to Spawn anything so should have at least 1 Spawn Location).
array[Mob Spawn] mobSpawns
A list of Mob Spawns that this Spawner will pick mobs to spawn from on top of mobs that have this Spawner's name as a Spawn Type in the configs. Default empty (Just use spawns added via the config).