Lycanites Mobs

Mob Spawns

There are two ways to add mobs to a Spawner. They can have the Spawner's name as a Spawn Type in their config (recommended for more generic spawners) or you can specific them with Mob Spawn entries in the Spawner instead (better for special spawners that are more specific).

  • bool ignoreForgeCanSpawnEvent

    If set to true, the Forge Can Spawn Event is fired but its result is ignored, use this to prevent other mods from stopping the spawn via the event. Default false.

  • bool ignoreMobInstanceConditions

    If set to true, all mob instance spawn checks are ignored. This includes all checks for none Lycanites Mobs, Group Limits and Light Levels. Default false.

  • bool ignoreDimension

    If set to true, this mob will ignore Dimension checks. This will not prevent a World Spawn Condition Dimension check however. Default false.

  • string biomeCheck

    This determines if the biome that the mob is spawning in should be "ignored", "checked" or "default" where it refers to the mob config instead. Default "default".

  • bool ignoreLightLevel

    If set to true, this mob will ignore its Light Level checks. Default false.

  • bool ignoreGroupLimit

    If set to true, this mob will ignore its Group Limit checks. Default false.

  • int weight

    The Spawn Weight to use, mobs with higher weights are more likely to spawned than mobs with lower Weights. Zombies have a weight of 8 which is standard. Crusks (large tough desert mobs) have a weight of 2. Default -1 (use mob config weight).

  • double chance

    The Spawn Chance to use, can be 0.0 to 1.0 where 1 = 100%. This is the chance of this mob not being selected for the next spawn wave. It is recommended to just use weights instead and to leave this at 1. Default -1 (use the default chance set via the mob config)

  • int blockCost

    This determines how many spawn positions must have been found by the Spawn Locations. Recommended for block-based Spawn Locations. See the Fire Spawner for an example of this in action. Default -1 (use mob config).

  • string mobNameTag

    Sets a custom name tag to a mob spawned with this Mob Spawn.

  • string naturalDespawn

    Whether the spawned mob will be persistent and wont naturally despawn. Can be: "default" (mob config), "true" or "false", this is a string not a boolean so make sure you use quotations here.

  • double mobSizeScale

    A custom scale for the physical size of the spawned mob. Only works with Lycanites Mobs.

  • int subspecies

    If set, the spawned mob will have its subspecies changed to this value. Only works with Lycanites Mobs.

  • bool fixate

    If true, the spawned mob will fixate on the player that triggered the spawn, always attacking that player. Only works with Lycanites Mobs.

  • int mobLevel

    The level boost of the mob spawned, higher levels increase the stats by a small amount. This is added to the starting mob level (normally just 1). Default 0 (no level boosts).

  • array[ItemDrop] mobDrops

    A list of Item Drop entires that this mob may drop. See the Item Drop config page for more info. Default: Empty

  • int dungeonLevelMin

    For dungeon spawning, the minimum floor level of the dungeon that this mob is allowed to spawn on. This includes both placed as well as set in spawner blocks. Default: -1 (ignore)

  • int dungeonLevelMax

    For dungeon spawning, the maximum floor level of the dungeon that this mob is allowed to spawn on. This includes both placed as well as set in spawner blocks. Default: -1 (ignore)

  • bool dungeonBoss

    For dungeon spawning, if true, this mob spawn entry is only to be used for boss sectors, if false it is only to be used for spawners. Default: false