string name
The creature's name, it is reocmmended not to change this value as it will break things and is used to associate a Model Class. Required.
string entityClass
The Java Class to use for this creature, contains all behaviour, it is recommended not to change this as it will break things. Required.
string modelClass
The Java Class to use for this creature's model. This is currently not implemented but will be soon to go with the new subspecies system. Required.
bool enable
Set to false to completely disable this creature, any instances of the creature will be instantly removed and natural spawning will be disabled. Default: true
bool dummy
Set to true for for dummy entities such as the Fear entity which is used to make mobs and players run around in fear, this stops uneeded extra stats and features from being loaded. Default: false
CreatureSpawn spawning
The spawning settings for this creature. See the section below for more info. Required. (Not needed for dummies!)
double width
The base width of the entity hitbox. Default: 0.8
double width
The base height of the entity hitbox. Default 1.8
int experience
How much xp this creature drops on death.
double health
The base health that this creature should have.
double defense
How much damage the creature blocks. Default 0
double armor
How much armor the creature has, calculated on top of defense and can be pierced. Default 0
double speed
The base movement speed of the creature. Default 24 (vanilla zombie speed)
double damage
The base amount of damage the creature deals, this also affects projectiles fired by the creature.
double attackSpeed
The base amount of melee attacks per second the creature can do. Note that this is restricted by the creature's update tick rate. Default 1.0 (1 attack every second)
double rangedSpeed
The base amount of ranged attacks per second the creature can do. Note that this is restricted by the creature's update tick rate. Default 0.5 (1 attack every 2 seconds)
double effect
The base duration (in seconds) of effects applied by the creature, note that some effects scale this value. Default 1.0 (1 second effect duration)
double amplifier
The base amplifier of effects applied by the creature. Use 0 for level 1 effects, 1 for level 2, etc. Default -1 (disable element effect)
double pierce
The base amount of damage dealth by the creature that is allowed to ignore the target's armor. Pierce is not additional damage. Default 1.0 (all mobs deal at least 1 damage)
double sight
The base range (in blocks) that the creature can see other entities around it. Note that setting this to a really high value on common creatures can cause lag. Default 16
double knockbackResistance
The base chance that the creature wont be knocked back from attacks where 0.0 is always and 1.0 is never. Default 0 (always knocked back)
string eggBackColor
The hex color value of the creature's spawn egg background color. Ex: "#00ff00" for green. Required.
string eggForeColor
The hex color value of the creature's spawn egg foreground color. Ex: "#ff00ff" for magenta. Required.
bool boss
If true, the creature will be given boss status with extra features such as health loss mitigation and a boss health bar. Default: false
array[Subspecies] subspecies
An array of Subspecies entries. Usually mobs have 2 uncommon subspecies and sometimes a third rare mini boss subspecies. It is recommended to try and keep the usually subspecies pattern for now. This will soon be changed to "colorVariations" and accompanies by "skinVariations" when the new subspecies system is implemented. Default: empty
string name
The name of the subspecies. Should adhere to the avaialble ones as listed on this site, but custom ones can be used. Note that textures need to be provided for each subspecies of a creature too. Required.
string type
The type of subspecies, can be "uncommon" or "rare". The first and second subspecies should normally be uncommon and the third rare, changing this may have unpredictable results. Required.
array[ColorVariation] colorVariations
A list of color variation entires to be used by this creature. This will be part of the new subspecies system but is not yet implemented. Default: empty
string name
The name of the color variation. Should adhere to the avaialble ones as listed on this site, but custom ones can be used. Note that textures need to be provided for each color variation of a creature too and for each skin variation. Required.
string type
The type of color variation, can be "uncommon" or "rare". Rare color variations are considered to be mini bosses and may have additional behaviour and increased stats. Required.
array[SkinVariation] skinVariations
A list of skin variation entires to be used by this creature. This will be part of the new subspecies system but is not yet implemented. Default: empty
string name
The name of the skin variation. Can be entirely unique. Required.
string modelClass
The model class to use for this skin variation, the model will then look for its own textures including color variation textures. In theory you could use any model class including models from other mods adn vanilla but results are completely unpredicatable. Required.
string element
The Element used by the creature. Elements grant a creature resistances, buffs and debuffs based on their effect stats. See the Elements section for more info. Required. Can cause a crash if not set as this is integral!
bool peaceful
If true, the creature wont be despawned on peaceful difficulty. Default: false
bool summonable
If true and the creature's Java Class has pet AI, the creature will show as a summonable minion. Default: false
bool tameable
If true and the creature's Java Class has pet AI, the creature will show as a summonable pet. Default: false
bool mountable
If true and the creature's Java Class has pet AI, the creature will show as a summonable mount. Default: false
int summonCost
How much Summoning Focus (if a minion) or Spirit (if a soulstoned pet or mount) the creature costs to summon. Default: 1
int dungeonLevel
The Dungeon Level of the creature, for Lycanites Dungeons this affects what floor the mob appears on, but this is also used by other mods such as Doomlike Dungeons to assess difficulty. Default: -1 (All levels)
array[ItemDrop] drops
A list of items the creature will drop. See the Item Drops page for more info. Default: Empty