Lycanites Mobs

Update: The Return 1.9.4 - Version for Minecraft 1.9.4


Curse MediaFIre
Config Reset Version: (Configs made before this version will be reset by this update.)

New Features:

All all new building blocks: Demonstone and Shadowstone

These blocks come in various forms: Stone, Brick, Tile, Polished, Pillar, Chiseled and Crystal (light source).

Stone, Brick and Tile also come as: Stairs and Slabs.

Brick can also be crafted into: Fences and Walls.

Added a new Blocks creative tab for Lycanites Mobs.

Major Fixes:

Fixed a server side crash caused by projectiles.

Fixed a server side crash caused by solid blocks added by this mod, this also fixes a bug where the solid blocks can be passed through by entities in SSP or LAN.

Possibly fixed a crash caused by Belphs and Behemoth receiving float instead of integers from the network.

Config Changes:

Rare subspecies health bars are now disabled by default again.

Reduced the rare subspecies weight from 5 down to 2, this should make them more than twice as rare than there are already as I have noticed too many Lunar Grues and Umber Lobbers are spawning. I may review these default weights further later.

The config will need to be manually deleted or updated for these changes.
