Lycanites Mobs

Update: Lazuli Waters - Version for Minecraft 1.7.10


Config Reset Version: (Configs made before this version will be reset by this update.)

New Features:

New Freshwater Mob Added: Silex

Config Changes:

By default the Darkness spawning is now disabled. Grues will now spawn randomly underground like Shades and Chupacabra but will still use the Darkness spawning if it is enabled via the config.


Familiars are now stored on an online database and are linked to UUIDs instead of usernames. If your familiar is not showing, please contact me and I'll fix it.

New patrons will no longer need to wait for updates as of, instead they need to just log on to a server/world. I do still need to manually add new familiars to the database however, this is until the Patreon API is available then I will automate everything!


Taming Treat Items will now stack up to 16 and are now crafted in stacks of 4 instead of just 1.

The spawn rates and chances of the following spawn types have been heavily reduced by default: Sky, Underground, Water, Rock (ores), Crops, Trees and Lunar (Epions during full moon).

Mob Events will now occur every 1-2 hours by default instead of 20-30 minutes (I think that was the old default).
